Self-Reliance Resources
"988" Suicide & Mental Health Crisis Lifeline: Individuals experiencing a mental health crisis can call (or chat/text) 988, a federally mandated, universal crisis number.
Life Help: Abuse; Addiction; Adoption; Death, Grieving, and Loss; Disabilities; Divorce; Education; Employment; Family and Relationships; Finances; Media Safety; Mental and Emotional Health; Parenting; Physical Health; Pornography; Preparedness; Pregnant and Single; Same Sex Attraction; Self-Reliance Services; Single-Parent Families; Suicide; Transgender; Welfare
United Way 211 Utah: 24/7 statewide resource database and referral network designed to help every Utahn get support to meet their basic needs when in crisis or difficult circumstances
Provident Living: Self-reliance and welfare resources
Utah Domestic Violence Website and Hotline: 1-800-897-5465
Welfare and Self-Reliance Resources: View a list of resources that Wellfare and Self-Reliance Services offers.
Welfare Locator: Use this tool when you need to locate or contact a welfare services location. Find welfare locations ranging from bishops’ storehouses, home storage centers, refugee services, employment resources, and more.
Family Services Office Locator: Find office locations and contact information for Family Services throughout the world. Family Services offers counseling support, expecting single parent services, support groups, and more.
JustServe: Community service opportunities
Self-Reliance Program
Current self-reliance manuals/courses